|a pretty a day is here and away|

Documenting life's beauty, as seen through the eyes of a lady blessed with everything a girl could dream of, and more: five gorgeous kids, patient and providing husband, an adorable dog, a very cheeky frog, and still time enough to get crafty and creative in the kitchen or with my trusty needles, thread and yarn!
The joys of being Queen of the household! Rejoice, and the world joins in!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, Monday!

Monday, Monday, so good to me,
Monday, Monday, it was all I hoped it would be

Woke up to a beautiful, quiet morning, but when you're a Mom, you've really gotta learn how to savour the moment! Because my quiet contemplation of the morning's tranquility was soon interrupted by....


... the roar of four hungry, bedhead kids, still rubbing the sleep out of their eyes, and one very annoying frog (who wouldn't stop squealing his need for a warm mug of hot chocolate to go with his Tim-Tams, which I had to remind him that we don't have - had to placate him with offerings of peanut butter pancakes after that, and then he was chuffed).

Mondays mondays mondays, they're normally such hectic days in this home! But being busy is much more fun than sitting about idly, is it not!

So we quickly got to work in the kitchen, Ben and I, amidst a flurry of shouted requests - "I WANT MINE WITH NUTELLA!" "I WANT MINE WITH JAM!" "I DON'T WANT MINE WITH ANYTHING, MOM!"

Then silence. The gremlins were having their fill.

Then the praise. "Oh momma, oh Benji, that was the most perfect pancake!"

The trick to successful motherhood is this: keep your kiddos fed and happy.

... and your frogs.


P.S. Kimmy just asked me for a patch of grass.

"Mommie, may I have a patch of grass, please? Just a little patch?"
"Sure! Go get yourself a butter knife and carve a patch out from over yonder."
"Yay! Preferably in a bunny shape!"
"Alright! Don't cut yourself!"

You get all sorts of strange requests from my little critters! Monday, Monday :P

Oh Monday Morning, you gave me no warning of what was to be!!!

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