Ready yourself Momma! Here's the greatest Facebook takeover in history! Thank your lucky stars we know your Facebook password because how else would we deliver your Momma's Day present...
We love you for your surprises! From little notes in our primary school lunchboxes to birthday trips to amusement parks... and nowadays parcels and parcels of "just-for-fun" internet buys!
We love you for your sense of humour, and each of your big-hearted laughs!
P.S. We know that sometimes the dishes don't get clean, the laundry doesn't do itself... and we're hardly the magic little elves you thought we might be... but don't forget that we love you mommy dear! (Yes, we know that that line always makes you smile and forget whatever horrible mis-steps we might've committed hehehe... have a great day, because you're the best!)
Surprise! Happy Mother's Day!
We bet you're smiling!
How do we love you? Let us count the ways...
We love you to the depth and breadth and height
that our souls could ever reach,
to the farthest point on earth that we shall travel to, whenever that will be
Because it is only you who would inspire us to wake up and decide to buy seven ferry tickets to Bintan last mother's day!
And what a day that was!
We love you for every fun-filled moment, every happy thankful breath...
and every time we laugh at the dinner table over some inside joke that only the seven of us know of, it's all because of you!
We love you for the times you spent staring at airline websites waiting for the "hot sale" fares, and then the 10 minutes after the sale opens convincing each of us to come along (didn't always take much persuasion though hehehe)...
We love you for the times you made sure we were safe and warm (especially the time when we realised that 10 degrees calls for more clothes than we bet on when we packed!!!)
Speaking of which, we love you for your shopping streak! And your fashion sense... thanks for saving us from potential fashion disasters. (When we get a compliment it's all because of you, we apologise for the times we took credit!!!)
We love you for the countless photo albums that you've kept, that track our growth throughout the years. We love you for capturing every milestone, no matter how small!
And most of all, we love that it proves that none of us is actually adopted! (Thank goodness!)
We love you for your surprises! From little notes in our primary school lunchboxes to birthday trips to amusement parks... and nowadays parcels and parcels of "just-for-fun" internet buys!
We love you for your sense of humour, and each of your big-hearted laughs!
We love you because Dad loves you too!
(You know it's true because he drove to Malacca for your surprise birthday and 5-hour car journeys are not his thing hehehe...)
And even though we sometimes don't cooperate for selfies...
And often make faces when you say "1...2...3..."
We love your selfie-face! Hahahaha...
To the world's greatest lady, the earth's greatest mom, and the queen of the house and all our hearts...
Happy Mother's Day!
Lots of love, your five little angels... Hahahahahaha... you know you love us!
Ben, Mel, Mimi, Kim, Nicky
P.S. We know that sometimes the dishes don't get clean, the laundry doesn't do itself... and we're hardly the magic little elves you thought we might be... but don't forget that we love you mommy dear! (Yes, we know that that line always makes you smile and forget whatever horrible mis-steps we might've committed hehehe... have a great day, because you're the best!)
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