|a pretty a day is here and away|

Documenting life's beauty, as seen through the eyes of a lady blessed with everything a girl could dream of, and more: five gorgeous kids, patient and providing husband, an adorable dog, a very cheeky frog, and still time enough to get crafty and creative in the kitchen or with my trusty needles, thread and yarn!
The joys of being Queen of the household! Rejoice, and the world joins in!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Toast to Yours Truly!

It's no secret, I've turned another year older!
(Oh yes, one more year, though my looks may deny it... HAHAHAHA no, I joke!!! Oh my... ;))

So... here's looking to the future! 

This year's celebration... perhaps the most extended one in all my years! I've seen my fair share of birthdays, of course, and time has taken me from little family celebrations in my girlhood, to a memorable birthday in my twenties as a secretary with not one, not two, not three, but FOUR birthday cakes, and oh all the presents a girl could wish for! ... and now, year after year of great memories with my own family. And every year's another reason to celebrate life!
This year, my birthday celebrations (yeah, plural, because really every day's a party in this home!) have taken me to a rooftop in Medan, to a "secret" Chinese restaurant in our neighbourhood, and this weekend, to Cebu! And we can't wait for this weekend!
It all started at the beginning of July when Mel came back from a night shift at work, and we both hit the iPad, beady eyes peering at the screen and yeah anyone listening would think we'd won the lottery when we scored a good deal on flights/hotels! So my very first birthday treat... if you look at the picture up there... Was in Medan! That's just me and my boy Ben hitting the bar, for an early "birthday" afternoon drinks!

(It's a rule in this home that your birthday month is "your month" so birthday surprises last a month, not just the day itself! Oh yes, I'm the smartypants who started the rule, which means I get the whole of July to meself ;)

And on 24/7 - THE Day - my kiddos and their papa surely didn't disappoint!

I'm a 24/7 momma - twenty-four hours, seven days a week - and they sure know it! So of course celebrations should too be 24/7!
First thing in the morning, I'm enjoying coffee and chitchat with my girlio Melly and who else but Alfred comes bursting in through the front door, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEAUTIFUL! GOOD LUCK! HAVE YOU FOUND IT?" 

Oh yes I had! He sure knows my favourite spots in the home! He'd cleverly hidden a surprise red packet in the midst of my shimmery blings! I took a little peek and oh yes, that made me smile!

In the afternoon, our scholar Mimi (she's going to start school at NUS soon) announced she'd be off to the mall for a little while, and she took Ben with her... Mel and I exchanged looks, of course we knew a surprise was in order!
And yes! The darlings were back with a sweet surprise!

And of course, the regular birthday fanfare ensued, birthday songs, impromptu recitals and duets... Oh just the regular birthday things... 
Alright, here's the part where I let you in on a little secret! My birthday celebration this year was ... A PYJAMA PARTY! I figured it was the best way since Mel would be off the night shift, the kids had school in the morning, and come on, everyone loves an excuse to lounge around in PJs all day! 
So pyjamas, coffee liquer on the rocks, birthday cake (a good lot of it, too!), music and stories... All's good to me!
Of course, we held the dress-up event the night before... which was of course, the "proper" thing to do ;) 
And there were longevity "peach" buns! Don't we love those! (We've got an inside joke about them, too...)

Here's to more merry, merry years ahead (as my good ol' little-big boy Nick would say), and more of those precious little jars of miracle creams (for the laugh crinkles, heehee)!

Thank you to everyone who wished me the best... my virtual, Internet hugs to one and all!

Toodles, friends!

P.S. A little tune, just for sharing :) 
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